Ready For 2015 and Whatever It Brings

Feeling reflective? I am.

2014 was a good year. Big positive changes in my home and work life. Movement, growth and transformation on several levels. It was a good year.

Do you know what was responsible for much of this progress? The wretchedness of 2013. Seriously, 2013 was non-stop crisis. Desperation and paralyzing fear. Frantic police calls, a hospitalization, a death. Misery and chaos in nearly all areas of my life, and little of it within my control.

Then something shifted.

I ended 2013 with the understanding that I can survive just about anything and that my spirit, my me-ness will still be intact. This realization was freeing. My biggest fears lost their power. I changed. I unstuck myself from ruts. The horrors of 2013 sparked the progress of 2014. And now 2015 is starting with questions that I am excited to watch unfold.

I’m sharing this with you because maybe your past year sucked. Maybe your last several years sucked, I don’t know.

Uncontrollable, unforeseen crap is going to happen. That is a fact. Here is what you CAN control: Who is the person you want to be when you finally get to the other end of it? What matters most to you? What can you let go of?

Given that you really have no idea what catastrophe is going to get thrown at you next: How do you want to feel in 2015? What things (within your control) can you do to help you feel that way?

I want to feel inspired, capable and generous.

How about you?

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